
Grailog KS Viz 2.0

Grailog KS Viz 2.0 Files: Appendix A: Test Cases in Math Education Appendix B: Financial Use Case Appendix C: Installation and Use Case


  • Grailog KS Viz 2.0: Graph-Logic Knowledge Visualization by XML-Based Translation
  • Advisors: Dr. Harold Boley, Dr. Chris Baker
  • Thesis
  • Thesis Defense Presentation

  • Presentations

    "Grailog KS Viz 2.0: Graph-Logic Knowledge Visualization by XML-Based Translation"
    The 6th Atlantic Workshop of Semantics and Services (AWoSS 2015).
    University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, NB

  • Grailog KS Viz 2.0: Graph-Logic Knowledge Visualization by XML-Based Translation
  • "Translating HornlogEq RuleML to Grailog for SVG Visualization"
    RuleML Webinar. June 20, 2016

  • Translating HornlogEq RuleML to Grailog for SVG Visualization